Privacy Policy

Topics and Opinions Privacy Policy


We care about your privacy while using our website and wants you to know how we collect, use, share and protect information about you and the choices you have regarding our use of your information. If you have any questions concerning this Privacy Policy, please email us at We may change or add to this Privacy Policy from time-to-time, so we encourage you to review it periodically.

Information We Collect

We may collect personal information about you as described in this Privacy Policy when you (i) register for the Site and the Services, through your user account with us or (ii) use the Services. We collect certain types of information from you, some of which might be considered personal information under applicable law.

When you create an Account, we may collect personal information from you, such as your name or business name, phone number and email address. We use your contact information to identify you within our website, send you information about our Services and communicate with you about your Account, your activities on our Site and Services and policy changes. Your name (or business name) and phone number are also attached to any item you post on our website.

Other Information We Automatically Collect

When you visit our website, we automatically collect (i) your IP address and location derived from the IP address; (ii) the referring websites or services; (iii) the time and date of each access; (iv) device settings, such as browser type, operating system, and language; and (v) cookie information. This type of data enables us to figure out how often individuals use parts of the Site so that we can analyze and improve them.

How We Use Information

We use the personal information we collect for a variety of administrative and business purposes to:

  1. operate our Site and provide the Services,
  2. verify individual identity,
  3. respond to inquiries, questions and comments and provide customer and technical support,
  4. provide access to certain functionalities of our Services,
  5. personalize and improve the Services and develop new products and services,
  6. to communicate with our current and prospective customers concerning our services,
  7. measure interest and engagement in our Site and Services,
  8. monitor and analyze usage and trends of the Site and Services,
  9. comply with any legal obligations, and
  10. enforce our terms and as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions or suggestions about our privacy policy, please send us an email to

Last modified on 16th April, 2024.